Western Reagents & Buffers

Dominik Haudenschild, January 24, 1997


Novex, Tris-Glycine based, 4% to 20% acrylamide, no SDS.

Sample Buffer:

4X : 8M Urea

0.5M Tris pH 6.8

8% (w/v) SDS

Dye Phenol red or Bromophenol Blue

Reduced: Add 5% (v/v) BME to 4X buffer

Running Buffer:

Novex Amersco Iss, or 2.5mM Tris, 192mM Glycine

pH 8.3-8.5, 0.1% SDS.

Transfer Buffer:

1X 2.5mM Tris

192mM Glycine

15% Methanol

For Novex Use at 0.5X w/15% Methanol

For Biorad/ Hoeffer Use at 1X w/ 15% Methanol

Transfer: 4o o/n 35 volts then 30 min 70 volts (Biorad)

or 75 volts 60-90 mins (Biorad)

or 80 volts 60-90 mins (Hoeffer)

or 30 volts 60-120 mins (Novex)

or 750mA 30-60 mins (Idea Scientific)