Cartilage Injury Protocol

Dominik Haudenschild at SCORE, July 2008


·         Harvest cartilage from bovine knee femoral condyles,

o   preferably 9-12 month old animals, up to 20 months is OK but older and the cartilage is too thin, younger and the growth plate is not fused.

o   6mm biopsy punches on condyle, then osteotome to release discs

·         Allow to ‘recover’ 24 hours in DMEM/Ascorbate/PenStrep/10% CS

·         Treat with fresh media containing +/- 4mM Acrylamide monomer for 48 hours

·         Injure on Instron at 250N (this is about 8MPa, causing injury but not crushing cartilage)

o   Move head to contact

o   Apply 250N in 0.1 seconds

o   Hold at 250N for 0.5 seconds

o   Move back to contact position in 0.1 seconds

·         Stain for Necrosis 2-3 hours later with modified live/dead stain as follows

o   Make 1mg/ml EtBr stock, dilute this in media at 40ul/10ml (=Dead Stain)

o   Make 1:1000 dilution of Calcein-AM in media (=Live Stain)

o   Stain cartilage in ‘dead’ stain for 30-45 minutes

o   Cut explant in ½ through center of disc

o   Stain in ‘live’ stain for 30 minutes

o   Lay cut ends onto glass-bottom dishes and image live/dead on confocal scope

o   Place explants in Z-fix for 24 hours, then 70% Ethanol until ready to paraffin embed and stain for caspase activation/parp cleavage

·         Stain for Apoptosis 3 days later

o   Use modified live/dead stain and paraffin embedding as described above

o   Apoptosis is detectable after >6  hours, peaks day 2, and remains detectable to day 3.5


Experimental Design:



Acrylamide Treated






3 explants

3 explants









Tuesday Harvest tissue

Wednesday Start Acrylamide Treatment

Friday 12:pm Injure

Friday 3pm Live/dead for necrosis

Monday Live/dead for apoptosis
















Instron Notes


Load cells: 1000lb = ~5,000N capacity

Load cells: 4000lb = ~20,000N

Want Load cell to be in range between 15% to 85% of capacity


·         On switch = white switch on back of machine, turn on and allow computer to warm up.

·         Directions:  + is up,  - is down

·         On startup, zero is near middle of the 4inch range of motion

·         Calibration light is blinking:

o   Push calibration button

o   Calibration menu

o   Calibrate function

o   Restore if it is already calibrated

o   *Auto – autocalibrates

·         Turn on Hydraulics

·         High Activator button

o   Can move up & down ΔΔ is fast, Δ is slow

·         Position sample

o   Loosen Torque bolt ½ turn

o   Raise or lower with red knobs

o   Lock into place with torque wrench

·         Set Limits

o   1500N with action “unload” (load)

o   100mm is total travel, so set travel limit to + 15mm, -15mm

·         Injury protocol is to find contact manually, then 250N in 100ms, then hold 500ms and return to contact

·         Set up testing device

o   HAND TIGHTEN NUT ON LOAD CELL to avoid damaging sensitive load cell

o   Zero load

§  First, turn of load protection,

§  Calibrate Load Setup

§  Cal

§  Balance

·         On Computer Program,

o   Control mode = LOAD

o   Collect data, enter a new file for each sample (8.3 naming convention of windows)

o   Sample at 50Hz

o   Don’t save .DAT file each time

o   Return MMI Control

