Alcian Blue Sulfate Quantification Protocol

Dominik Haudenschild, March 2007

from Masuda-Thonar (1994 Anal Biochem)


·       Dissolve Agarose in Extraction buffer, or use supernatant neat

·       Add 75ul Dilution Buffer to 96-well filter-bottom plate

·       Add 25ul Sample

·       Add 150ul Alcian Blue Dye

·       Agitate 1 hour at R.T.

·       Filter through membrane

·       Wash 3x200ul with Wash Buffer

·       Blot dry (don't dry completely with vacuum)

·       Remove rubber seal around bottom of filter plate

·       If using Scintillation Fluid to quantify radioactivity:

·       Punch out membrane with biopsy punch

·       Dissolve 1 hour in 500ul Dissolving buffer

·       Add 5ml Scintillation Fluid

·       Count

·       If using Phosphorimager to quantify radioactivity:

·       Dry bottom of filter plate completely

·       Erase phosphor-storage screen for 5 minutes

·       Expose bottom of filter plate directly to phosphor-storage screen for ?? hours in light-proof container

·       Scan image using phosphorimager in core lab

·       Quantitate pixel intensity using phosphorimager software


·       Extraction Buffer for Agarose/Alginate

·       4M Guanidine

·       50mM Sodium Acetate pH 6.0

·       Protease inhibitors

·      0.1M 6-aminohexanoic acid

·      10mM EDTA

·      5mM Benzamidine HCl

·      10mM N-EthylMaleimide

·      1mM PMSF

·       Dilution Buffer

·       50mM Sodium Acetate pH 5.8

·       0.5% Triton X-100

·       Alcian Blue Dye (Keep no more than 3 weeks)

·       0.2% Alcian Blue (Electrophoresis grade)

·       50mM Sodium Acetate pH 5.8

·       85mM MgCl2

·       Completely dissolve, then filter through whatman #1 paper or coffee filter

·       Wash Buffer

·       50mM Sodium Acetate pH 5.8

·       100mM Sodium Sulfate

·       50mM MgCl2

·       Dissolving Buffer

·       4M Guanidine HCl

·       33% Isopropanol


·       96-well 0.45uM Hydrophillic PVDF Filter-bottom plates

·       Vacuum manifold

·       Scintillation Fluid and counter

·       Phosphor-storage screen and phosphorimager